Posts tagged Fundamental Movement
how to hinge


The hinge is a very misunderstood fundamental movement. We perform a hinge best while laying on the ground doing glute bridges, hip thrusts and reverse hip hinges. But for some reason when we place ourselves in the standing hinge position, we tend to use too much of the lower back and do not properly distribute the resistance to our glutes and hamstrings. Follow this tutorial on how to properly hinge, then come take a look at our exercise library to find out other exercises you can be doing with your great hinge form.


The hinge is a very misunderstood fundamental movement. We perform a hinge best while laying on the ground doing glute bridges, hip thrusts and reverse hip hinges. But for some reason when we place ourselves in the standing hinge position, we tend to use too much of the lower back and do not properly distribute the resistance to our glutes and hamstrings.

how to squat


There are hundreds of exercises that could be classified as a squat. But before you get too deep in the squat world, make sure you have these fundamental points ironed out of your squat form. 


There are hundreds of squat exercises that will help you lose weight, sculpt the perfect legs and butt, and produce massive amounts of strength out of your legs. But the squat can be your worst enemy if you are doing it wrong. Head these tips to execute the perfect squat before moving on to all the variations.