trx euro


My partner Isacc and I recently came off of a 30 day backpacking adventure across most of Western Europe. While we did land in more than a couple major cities, we still had to carry 40-55 pounds on our person at any given time - usually only when walking 8-12 miles, of course. We found out quickly how easy it is to fall into some really bad form habits that can destroy your body, while doing something we all assume to be so good for us - backpacking.


We were relaxing in front of the Eiffel tower one afternoon after a leisurely picnic when I noticed how hard it was to simply sit upright with no back support. I realized that both of our chest and shoulder muscles were hunching forward because of the constant tension our backpack straps were putting on them by pulling back and down from our shoulders. I mentioned this to Isacc, and he pointed out that his hips were extra tight as well, which also made relaxing in the grass more uncomfortable than we liked. Being the ever-entheusiastic trainer I am, and knowing I had just the tool in my day pack to counter these poor form developments, I pulled out my straps and threw together this quick TRX Circuit that we each repeated 3-4 times every other day or so. In under a week, we both noticed huge improvements in our back and hips. Even carrying the bags became easier, allowing us to breath more fully and in turn hike for longer periods without rest. We also noticed how much nicer and easier it was to simply sit upright with or without a chair to support us. 


Do this workout every other day anytime you are on a multi day hike, or simply as an end of the day supplament to your day hike. Your body will thank you! Then you can thank us by dropping a message about your experience. We LOVE backpacking stories. Enjoy!


First, warm up your body by doing some light cardiovascular movements (jumping jacks, mountain climbers, light jog etc.), for about 4-5 minutes. Then do this workout in the order performed in the video. Do 10 repetitions of each exercise back to back before resting one minute and repeating the circuit 2-3 more times. 

front raise


Build boulder shoulders with this move.

Muscles used: Anterior deltoids and core.

* No swinging or sway backs
* Slow and controlled movements with this exercise


Build boulder shoulders with this move. Muscles used: Anterior deltoids and core. * No swinging or sway backs * Slow and controlled movements with this exercise

stiff rdl's



The only thing that separates the stiff RDL from the traditional is in the knees. If you are looking to destroy your hamstrings in one move.....well this is it.

* Choose a close stance with the feet and an overhand underhand grip at the bar.
* Keeping the bar close to the shins start to hinge at the hips (see our hinge video).
* Keep back flat and chin tucked to the chest to maintain good posture.
* Keep knees straight or with a soft bend. The point is to get as straight as possible for maximum hamstring stretch.


THIS IS DIFFERENT THAN A TRADITIONAL DEADLIFT (watch closely) The only thing that separates the stiff RDL from the traditional is in the knees. If you are looking to destroy your hamstrings in one move.....well this is it. * Choose a close stance with the feet and an overhand underhand grip at the bar.

low back



This is a great exercise for home if you have a swiss ball!

Muscles used: Erector Spinea, Glutes, and Hamstrings.

* Place the ball in a place that you can support your feet like in front of a wall.
* Lay down on top of the ball placing your belly button directly on top of the swiss ball.
* Begin to crunch your body towards the floor and slowly extend your body upward and pause and the top.


This is a great exercise for home if you have a swiss ball! Muscles used: Erector Spinea, Glutes, and Hamstrings. * Place the ball in a place that you can support your feet like in front of a wall. * Lay down on top of the ball placing your belly button directly on top of the swiss ball.

trx rows



Total Resistance Training (TRX) Rows are a fun way to work the upper back muscles including Rhomboids, Traps, Lats and Biceps.

* Choose your resistance by moving forward or backward toward your anchor point. 
* Always keep tension in the straps
* Keep core tight and body stiff
* Choose between a low row or a high row (note hand and elbow position)


Total Resistance Training (TRX) Rows are a fun way to work the upper back muscles including Rhomboids, Traps, Lats and Biceps. * Choose your resistance by moving forward or backward toward your anchor point.

lat pulls



In this Video, we show you how to do a wide grip lat pulldown targeting the Latissimus Dorsi and Bicep muscles.

* Keep chest up
* Pull elbows down and back


In this Video, we show you how to do a wide grip lat pulldown targeting the Latissimus Dorsi and Bicep muscles. * Keep chest up * Pull elbows down and back

main event


Boise man loses nearly 50 pounds in 7 months despite demanding work life. Wait til you see what he looks like now!

"I'm back at my weight from  high school. I feel great and I look great!”

Wait til you see him now!

“I constantly found myself making excuses as to why I wasn't sticking to my fitness and nutrition plans. However, even though I struggled, I never gave up. I kept working at it and struggled with things day after day.” Saul admitted humbly, “ I finally started seeing results. I started feeling great about myself as the pounds started shedding off and I really liked the compliments I was receiving from people. That was the hook I needed to push myself even harder.”

Saul Solis started training with Kevin at Encore Fitness Boise back in October of 2017. He began Kevin’s Born Again Athlete Program (BAA) designed for men over the age of 30 who were once athletic, and have since become sedentary but would like an overhaul on their body. When Saul joined the program, he had already been thinking about making a change, but wasn’t sure where to start.

He lost 45 pounds

In only seven months!

“I was tired of never having energy, feeling fatigued all the time, and I could tell my weight was taking its toll on me. In late September, Kevin reached out to me asking if I wanted to participate in the Born Again Athlete program he was running at Encore. I knew this was my shot to finally tackle my fitness goals. And, the best part was that I wouldn't have to do this alone. I would have somebody coach me through this difficult journey.”

Saul is the perfect example of a success story at Encore Fitness. It’s in our mission statement, 

Our mission is to educate and motivate individuals to become a healthier, more fit version of themselves and to direct each client into making fitness a way of life.
— Encore Fitness, LLC.

All he needed was a launching platform, somewhere to start from that could help him to establish the exercise foundations he would need to ride his fitness journey out for along time.

Saul around October, just after beginning training.

Saul around October, just after beginning training.

“When I started working out with Kevin at Encore fitness on October 1st of 2017, my initial weight was 230 lbs. Today, April 2018, I weigh 185 lbs. I am back at my weight from when I graduated high school. I feel great and I look great!”

Most importantly Saul Said, “I have developed confidence to tackle my fitness like I never thought possible for myself.”

At Encore, we understand that fitness - like parenthood, religion or a career - is a lifestyle. One does not just adopt a new lifestyle overnight. There is a process of learning and adapting that takes place at a different pace with each individual. Once a client demonstrates the desire to seek answers on their own to continue their path, we know they have successfully integrated into a healthy fitness lifestyle.

Saul achieved just that.

Beginning of fitness journey (Left), Present (Right).

Beginning of fitness journey (Left), Present (Right).

“The gym and nutrition goals have become my favorite hobby!  I love learning new workouts and meals to incorporate into my diet.  I even enjoy exercising when I travel now.”


Saul recently ran the Southern California Rebok Ragnar Relay (A ragnar is a relay race consisting of several long distances). He completed 16 miles over 3 legs of the Rebok Ragnar Relay. Saul ran more in the months leading up to the race than he thought he could ever run in his life, 10-12 miles a day sometimes 3-4 days a week.

Saul Gears up for the race.

Saul Gears up for the race.


“I have developed a passion for fitness and nutrition. I've even started motivating family members and friends to get started with their goals and offer my support to them. I am so happy I said yes to the invitation to work on myself again. It has paid off in more ways than I imagined and I look forward to learning more and improving myself continually as I help others as well.”


"I even enjoy exercise when I travel now.”

-Saul Solis

We at Encore Fitness Boise are so proud of Saul for not only losing the weight that has haunted him the last few years, but for taking charge of his schedule and bringing balance back into his busy life. Congratulations for all you have accomplished, and all you will continue to accomplish as you reach toward becoming the best possible version of yourself.



“I have developed confidence to tackle my fitness like I never thought possible for myself.”

- A New Saul




With your feet shoulder-width apart and toes forward, hinge at the hips by shooting the pelvis and glutes back while keeping a slight bend in the knees. Maintain a flat back and neutral head position throughout the move.
* Do not shrug the shoulders
* Keep back flat and core tight
* Track knees behind the toes


With your feet shoulder-width apart and toes forward, hinge at the hips by shooting the pelvis and glutes back while keeping a slight bend in the knees. Maintain a flat back and neutral head position throughout the move.

Sumo Deadlift

Grasp the bar with a narrow grip positioned on the inside of the knees. Choose a wide stance with toes pointing outward and knees tracking in the same direction as the toes. Squat and hinge at the hips simultaneously, keeping the chest up and core tight.
* Wide stance, toes, and knees pointing outward
* Squat and hinge at the hips to perform a sumo squat
* Chest up, core tight


Grasp the bar with a narrow grip positioned on the inside of the knees. Choose a wide stance with toes pointing outward and knees tracking in the same direction as the toes. Squat and hinge at the hips simultaneously, keeping the chest up and core tight.

good morning



The fundamental movement here is the hinge (push glutes back, keep weight in heels, knees stay over ankles and torso lowers to become parallel with the ground). This could be compared to a Romanian dead lift or stiff leg dead lift. The primary difference here is where the weight is located. Since the barbell is resting on top of the upper trap muscles, we are required to maintain a much stronger core than if the weight were to be hanging from our arms as in a dead lift.